Author name: Nilesh Raut

I am Nilesh,3+ years Exp of SEO, content writing, and keyword research. Also rocks it as a software dev with skills in OS, web dev, Flask, Python, C++, data structures, and algorithms. 3 on Leetcode, 5*on Hackerrank more platform.

Leet Code 1048. Longest String Chain (Medium)

leetcode 1048. longest string chain

Leetcode 1048. Longest String Chain: Hey there, coding enthusiasts! Welcome back to another exciting coding session. Today’s problem is a treat—literally! We’re going to solve the “Longest String Chain” problem. A naive approach would be to check every word against every other word looking for predecessors, but that would lead to a TLE result. The first important realization […]

Leet Code 1048. Longest String Chain (Medium) Read More »

Leet Code 1658. Minimum Operations to Reduce X to Zero (Medium)

leetcode 1658. Minimum Operations to reduces x to zero

Minimum Operations to Reduce X to Zero (Medium) : Hey there, coding enthusiasts! Welcome back to another exciting coding session. Today’s problem is a treat—literally! We’re going to solve the “Minimum Operations to Reduce X to Zero (Medium)” problem. Problem explanation: We were given an array, and we were tasked with reducing the elements present

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Leet Code 835. Image Overlap (Medium)

leetcode 835. image overlap

Image Overlap Leetcode:Initially, this problem provides an engaging opportunity for solving as one would eventually discover its enjoyment factor. Moreover, it holds practical significance in real-world scenarios as well. For instance, by determining the maximal overlapping region between two images and subsequently clipping them accordingly, one can enhance their focus and reduce their size effectively.

Leet Code 835. Image Overlap (Medium) Read More »

Leet Code 662. maximum width of binary tree (Medium)

leetcode 662. maximum width of binary tree

maximum width of binary tree :Hey there, coding enthusiasts! Welcome back to another exciting coding session. Today’s problem is a treat—literally! We’re going to solve the “Maximum Width of Binary Tree” problem.   Binary Tree Level Order Traversal Method 1: Level Order Traversal using Queue Algorithm: Note : Level oder Travesal is equivalent to BFS search

Leet Code 662. maximum width of binary tree (Medium) Read More »

Leetcode 1359 Count All Valid Pickup and Delivery Options (HARD)

leet code 1359. count all valid pickup and delivery option

Counting Valid Pickup and Delivery Sequences: A Dynamic Programming Approach 1. Introduction What is the Problem? You are given n orders, each comprising both pickup and delivery services. The task is to count all the valid sequences of these orders, ensuring that the delivery for each order always occurs after its corresponding pickup. To manage

Leetcode 1359 Count All Valid Pickup and Delivery Options (HARD) Read More »

Mastering Flutter State Management with GetX: A Comprehensive Guide

Mastering Flutter State Management with GetX: A Comprehensive Guide Flutter has gained immense popularity for building cross-platform mobile applications, and one of the critical aspects of Flutter app development is state management. Flutter With various state management libraries available, choosing the right one can significantly impact your app’s performance and development efficiency. In this guide,

Mastering Flutter State Management with GetX: A Comprehensive Guide Read More »

🎨 Generate UML Diagrams with ChatGPT – An Easy 5-Step Process 👩‍💻

Introduction: UML Diagrams with ChatGPT 🌟 Discover a revolutionary way to create UML diagrams for your projects effortlessly. With ChatGPT’s advanced language capabilities, you can generate accurate PlantUML code based on your project description. In this tutorial, we will walk you through a simple 5-step process to harness the power of ChatGPT and design your

🎨 Generate UML Diagrams with ChatGPT – An Easy 5-Step Process 👩‍💻 Read More »