Home » leet code » LeetCode 557. Reverse Words in a String III (easy)

LeetCode 557. Reverse Words in a String III (easy)

LeetCode 557. Reverse Words in a String III Hey there, coding enthusiasts! Welcome back to another exciting coding session. Today’s problem is a treat—literally! We’re going to solve the “Reverse Words in a String III ” or “LeetCode .557

1 Appraoch : Simple (Brute Force) :Reverse Words in a String

  1. Initialize variables and iterate through the input string.
  2. When a word is found (either space or end of string), reverse it in-place.
  3. Update the ‘start’ pointer for the next word.
  4. Return the modified string.

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Codes: Bruteforce Reverse Words in a String

Certainly! Here’s the code to reverse words in a string using a two-pointer approach in C++, Java, Python, and JavaScript:


#include <algorithm>

class Solution {
    string reverseWords(string s) {
        int n = s.length();
        int start = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i <= n; ++i) {
            if (i == n || s[i] == ' ') {
                reverse(s.begin() + start, s.begin() + i);
                start = i + 1;
        return s;

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public class Solution {
    public String reverseWords(String s) {
        char[] chars = s.toCharArray();
        int n = chars.length;
        int start = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i <= n; ++i) {
            if (i == n || chars[i] == ' ') {
                reverseWord(chars, start, i - 1);
                start = i + 1;

        return new String(chars);

    private void reverseWord(char[] chars, int left, int right) {
        while (left < right) {
            char temp = chars[left];
            chars[left] = chars[right];
            chars[right] = temp;

Python: Bruteforce

class Solution:
    def reverseWords(self, s: str) -> str:
        s = list(s)
        n = len(s)
        start = 0

        for i in range(n + 1):
            if i == n or s[i] == ' ':
                self.reverseWord(s, start, i - 1)
                start = i + 1

        return ''.join(s)

    def reverseWord(self, s, left, right):
        while left < right:
            s[left], s[right] = s[right], s[left]
            left += 1
            right -= 1

JavaScript: Bruteforce

var reverseWords = function(s) {
    const chars = s.split('');
    const n = chars.length;
    let start = 0;

    for (let i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
        if (i === n || chars[i] === ' ') {
            reverseWord(chars, start, i - 1);
            start = i + 1;

    return chars.join('');

function reverseWord(chars, left, right) {
    while (left < right) {
        const temp = chars[left];
        chars[left] = chars[right];
        chars[right] = temp;

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2 Approach : Two Pointer : LeetCode 557

1: Initialize Variables

  • We begin by initializing some variables. The ‘n’ variable represents the length of the input string ‘s,’ while ‘start’ is a pointer to keep track of the start of each word.

2: Iterate Through the String

  • We loop through the characters in the string ‘s,’ using ‘i’ as our iterator.
  • We check if we have reached the end of the string or if we’ve encountered a space character (‘ ‘).
  • If we do, it means we’ve found a complete word or reached the end of the input.

3: Reverse the Word Using Two Pointers

  • When we find a word (either by encountering a space or reaching the end of the string), we use a two-pointer approach to reverse it in-place.
  • We have ‘left’ and ‘right’ pointers that initially point to the start and end of the word, respectively.
  • While ‘left’ is less than ‘right,’ we swap the characters at these positions using the ‘swap’ function. This efficiently reverses the word in the string.

4: Update the Start Pointer

  • After reversing the word, we update the ‘start’ pointer to the position after the space. This prepares us for the next word or the end of the input.

5: Return the Modified String

  • Once we’ve processed the entire input string, we return the modified ‘s,’ which now contains the words reversed while preserving whitespace and the original word order.

Codes: Two pointer Reverse Words in a String

C++: Two pointer Reverse Words in a String

class Solution {
    string reverseWords(string s) {
        int n = s.length();
        int start = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i <= n; ++i) {
            if (i == n || s[i] == ' ') {
                int left = start;
                int right = i - 1;

                while (left < right) {
                    swap(s[left], s[right]);

                start = i + 1;

        return s;

Java: Two pointer Reverse Words in a String

public class Solution {
    public String reverseWords(String s) {
        String[] words = s.split(" ");
        StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();

        for (String word : words) {
            StringBuilder reversedWord = new StringBuilder(word).reverse();
            if (result.length() > 0) {
                result.append(" ");

        return result.toString();

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Python: Two pointer Reverse Words in a String

class Solution:
    def reverseWords(self, s: str) -> str:
        words = s.split()
        reversed_words = [word[::-1] for word in words]
        return ' '.join(reversed_words)

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